Saturday 14 March 2009

Why making the familiar strange brings pain in your head


.. the pain in somebody's head when it is contemplating the strange ..

.. the drastic re-arrangement of the synapses in the brain? .. brings pain? ..

.. only minor adjustments are allowed

.. small ideas .. single .. simple ..

.. which require the change in a few synapses .. or even leave the existing synapses intact .. only create new synapses

.. a pain threshold of breaking a synapse? .. is it measurable .. just for a single synapse?

.. should be more as ideas or concepts must engage, include a lot more synapses, certainly more than one

.. ideas despite being simple they are nevertheless complex .. ideas emergent .. entities .. emergent systems .. lying upon vast networks .. of neurons .. underlying superstructure ..

.. larger ideas would involve a much bigger network of neurons with a lot more synapses

.. personal experiences .. testimonies

ideas? .. they come by themselves? Why? Because they come, from out of the system boundaries, the supersystem .. the inclusive system, the system including

the previous paths, the paths within the system are circumvented, they are not visited any more, they are not included in the paths taken, the new paths.

As the paths do not include the ideas, whose extent is confined within the system, that avoids clashes inherent in the system, only. The feeling of helplessness and loss disappears, it does not materialise.

Clashes ensue following the paradigm of Gödel, as they develop out of contradicting rules that nullify each other, as a result there is loss of consistency

"Gödel proved fundamental results about axiomatic systems showing in any axiomatic mathematical system there are propositions that cannot be proved or disproved within the axioms of the system."

To get away from the idea, that using Godel's theorems, outside what is meant to be in the first place, namely mathematical systems, or even the volumes of Principiae Mathematica, is wrong.

In the particular case, of states, governments and societies, they are all axiomatic. Being systems based on axioms, values that are evident, without further arguments. And they are axiomatic, as it is widely based on values that they are regarded as evident without proof or argument.

.. societies .. are based upon axioms

Thursday 12 March 2009

A chaotic mind's, Q & A session on unconscious learning.

thoughts I thought off in the past

these thoughts remain

they have accommodated themselves, they have built mental structures, no matter how solid and how clear and concise they might be

neural networks or better cell assemblies, John Holland's reverberated cell assemblies

the always on, the exclusive-or circuit, and their indefinite nature

and they are the structures that my unconscious mind is using

a well as my conscious mind

but my unconscious mind is faster (a quantum computer analogy?!)

unconscious learning? How? ....

since learning is directed focused attention driven

attributes of the conscious mind

or so we think it is only

but nevertheless, starting by accepting that this is the case, conscius directed learning,

How can we imagine unconscious learning to be?

Define the unconscious?

Delimiting conscious from unconscious?

Properties, attributes that apply to one but not the other?

for example attention, by virtue of the use of sense organs, vision, hearing, smell, only attributed to conscious processes. Only?

conscious awareness

conscious applying to the surface, unconscious deeper

hidden, buried deep into our brain.

The unconscious mind determines our actions, short-term acts, our reflexes.

the automated responses that we use to get by in life events

life events that require a quick response

not time to spent contemplating on our response

how to react to a given setup or situation

no-thinking involved or better thinking as a matter of contemplation, is not involved

which is slow very slow (ref)

modes of thinking, a matter of choice ... informed choice?!

chaotic mind engages the unconscious mind

because it's fast

synchronization? (another day)

may be unconscious learning, it is not learning, as it is not in the surface of my consciousness, it does not have direct access to the outside world, can not 'see' the objects that are necessary for learning to occur

for stimuli to engage upon, which without them the process of learning can not take pace

it is an indirect means for our consciousness to access the external environment

it requires our conscious mind to come in contact with the outside world

indirect learning?

our conscious mind offers the syllabus of what to be learned

that's another thought how are conscious mind is prone to manipulation

by societies, governments, states ... by companies, schools, pressure groups, peer pressure, (public opinion?), (common sense?), or other institutions tangible or not

our unconscious an agent of free will?

conscious mind the jailer?

conscious mind directs learning

limiting learning

our unconscious mind eager to learn more

it is restricted by the conscious mind, the conscious mind itself is under the influence of external pressures

unconscious mind might not exercise learning or exercise limited learning (as far as this session goes)

but it makes a more ( I would say even extremely) effective use of what has been leaned (let say in whatever way it has been learned)

because it is fast and because, everything (I would call it that) that has been leaned is retained

thanks to the always on, indefinite time stored, information, knowledge

the more the knowledge taken in

(another idea just struck me while thinking .....)

refusing to taken in knowledge, our conscious mind deems as unimportant, limits the layer(s) of knowledge our unconscious mind draws for the stuff to guide our reflexes

(oh, it would never stop. another idea just arrived)

synapses determine the availability of memories of information

the synapse directs towards the memories stored

synapse not in use is dismantled, paths to connected memories severed

memories are not lost, just they are not on, online

memories survive the severed channel event, they are just offline

unconscious mind have access to offline memories

The unconscious mind is a good learner and practices efficiently has been learned